How do I turn off auto build for just one project?

I have one huge project that I only use to view the source. But the construction of this project took a long time. However, I want to disable auto-build for this project only. Is it possible?



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5 answers

Not sure what you are trying to achieve here, but you can also disable individual developers for a project via Project Properties.



There is a similar question about setting up auto build for each project. You might want to look at Eclipse for each build of the project .



Create two working sets - one with one and one without a large project. Then switch between the two working sets as needed and build as needed and try experimenting with this feature.

In the reference docs:

Worksets can also be part of a manual build workflow. With autobuild disabled the Project> Build Working Set menu is enabled. From here, you can selectively create worksets of your choice.



One simple solution is to start another instance of Eclipse in a separate workspace and only manage that project with auto build turned off. If your RAM is heavily loaded, it is better to choose a separate Eclipse instance for such needs.



The best approach is to use the Include / Exclude Templates option in the Java build path.
For example, if you want to exclude one project for auto build:
1- Go to Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source.
2- Expand the folder under Source Folders on Build Path:
3- Select Exclude → Edit
4- In Exception Templates, add **
Note: For more information about these templates: Include and Exclude Templates



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