Apache Active MQ.NET Client (Apache NMS) and Visual Studio 2010 C # Express

I am currently trying to test a C # client using the NMS Api.dll to communicate with the Message Broker from Apache ActiveMQ. I am developing Visual Studio C # 2010 Express and the target environment is 4.0 Client Profile. But when I try to build the project, I am faced with some conflicts that I do not know how to solve.

My settings are as follows:

  • ... Net Target Framework 4.0 Client Profile
  • Apache.nms-1.5.0.dll
  • Apache.nms.ActiveMQ-1.5.2.dll

When I try to create my client, I get the following conflict (translated from German):

Assembly "Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ" couldn’t be solved because it has a dependency to System.Web, Version= which doesn’t exists in the target framework.


Ditto for Apache.NMS.

How can I solve this problem? As far as I know in .Net 4.0, there is no System.Web DLL (Version =! But both apache nms libraries for .Net 4.0.


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1 answer

I think this guy has the same problem as you.

You are targeting a tenant profile that does not include web assemblies. Go to Project> Properties> Application and change Target Framework for ".NET Framework 4".



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