Configuring Unity (2.x) to use Moq as an implementation via app.config

I am using Unity for IOC. I would like to customize the creation of moq objects using app.config. My config looks something like this:

<unity xmlns="">
    <register type="Namespace1.IFoo, FooInterface"                   
              mapTo="Namespace2.FooImp, FooImplementation">


I'm looking for a technique to specify a config like this:

<unity xmlns="">
    <register type="Namespace1.IFoo, FooInterface"                   
              mapTo="Moq.Mock<IFoo>, Moq">


I know I need to access the .Object property of the layout, but this example is only intended to explain what I want to do.

In other words: I don't want to use the code to set up unity for moq use. Of course, an option would be to create some helpers that can be used in general.


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1 answer

After nobody could help, I figured something out.

Use Factory for moq and add Factory permission through one

sample goes here



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