Getting session value from ScalatraTest-ScalaTest
I am currently writing several Scalatra tests using the ScalaTest framework and the ScalatraSuite class.
test("when i try to go to the base url it shold redirect me "){
get("/") {
status should be(302)
The next step requires me to check for the existence of some session values, but it's not clear how to do this? Can anyone advise? I'm creating a SessionAccess trait, which for test purposes, overriding with a simple dash the stores session in the available HashMap, but I'm sure there is an easier way?
James hughes
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1 answer
I've looked at the ScalatraSuite code and it looks like there is no way to get the session object itself. However, you can make multiple calls within a session to test the expected behavior.
If you had the following calls:
post("/start") {
session("foo") = params("foo")
// ...
get("/do_something") {
you can check it like this:
test("Whatever inside of a session") {
session {
post("/start", "foo" -> "bar") {
// assert...
get("/do_something") {
body should equal ("bar")
Hope it helps.
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