WP7: ScrollViewer viewport size

Windows Phone 7. I have a ScrollViewer inside a StackPanel inside a PivotItem inside a Pivot. There are some other controls above the ScrollViewer. My intention is for the ScrollViewer to take the available bottom of the screen (~ 400px), and its content scrolls vertically (content height ~ 800px).

Now, there is no vertical scrolling right now - when I try to drag, the view returns to its previous position, as if the viewport was sized exactly to the content. When I look at the ViewportHeight property, it is ~ 800px - the same as the content.

ScrollViewer height not set ("Auto"); I assumed it would take up exactly space. This is clearly not the case. Question: There is not enough manual height setting, is there a way to implement the logic "viewport height is exactly how much vertical space you have left"?

EDIT: Here's the XAML, irrelevant details removed:

<Pivot x:Name="Root">

            <!-- More stuff here-->

            <ScrollViewer Name="MenuPanel" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled">
                    <Canvas x:Name="Menu" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">


The width and height of the canvas are set in code.


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2 answers

Two things:

  • StackPanel prevents children from automatically loading the rest of the available space. Use a grid with specific lines instead. This allows your ScrollViewer to sit in a container, which is the exact height remaining vertically.
  • Your canvas (inside the ScrollViewer) is top and left aligned and no specific size is exactly 0 pixels high and 0 pixels wide.

Good luck.

<Pivot x:Name="Root"> 
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

            <Grid Grid.Row="0">
                <!-- More stuff here--> 


                    <Canvas x:Name="Menu" 





Without looking at your XAML, this is an assumption - but based on common issues

The ScrollViewer actually gets all the space it needs to include all content items.
Either give it an absolute height, or wrap it in a grid that will limit it to the available space in the StackPanel.



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