How do I use the dropdown value of a select box to load a page to hide an element using JQuery?

I am hiding some elements based on the current value of a select field with the following JQuery:

$('.select').change(function() {
    $(this).parent().siblings('.hide-if-' + $(this).val()).hide();


And it works great. (elements have dynamic classes like "hide-if-123")

However, I would also like to hide the relevant elements on page load. Should I be using a different function (instead of "change")?

Or maybe put the code outside of the function so that it gets executed on load and on change? I've tried this:

$('.select').parent().siblings('.hide-if-' + $('.select').val()).hide();


but that won't work. I am guessing this part $('.select').val()

is wrong.

It is important that it gets the value of the same select box as "select"

at the beginning of the line. I've also tried:

$('.select').parent().siblings('.hide-if-' + $(this).val()).hide();


but still no luck.

Many thanks for your help!


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3 answers

To execute your change logic on page load, you can simply call an event change


$(function() {




You can simply run the change handler you already created:

$('.select').change(function() {
     $(this).parent().siblings('.hide-if-' + $(this).val()).hide();


Calling .change()

without parameters is equivalent .trigger('change')


Although I said I don't understand why your code is:

$('.select').parent().siblings('.hide-if-' + $('.select').val()).hide();


won't work - do all the elements exist when the page is loaded first? And is the above line included in the finished document and / or at the end of the body after the items in question)?



add a generic class to all elements and use css to hide them

 .hidden-class{ display:none}


You don't have to wait for a script to hide elements



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