Custom editor like jsfiddle

I find jsfiddle very useful for client side web development. I took a look at this link but it doesn't help. I want to:

  • the screen is split into 4 sections - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the result
  • Autocomplete
  • JSLint / JSHint

Is there such an editor if we cannot customize such an editor.


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5 answers

There is no editor on the results screen. Testing will require a browser environment that is rarely found in desktop editors.

I think there are some editors available with ecmascript support to allow you to execute / test tiny pieces of code. But I haven't seen any built-in or connected browser.

I think it would be more promising to convert the jsfiddle to an offline-browser app. With javascripts file-IO, this might work better than an online script and a standalone editor.



not sure about the four position split, but I like to use



Lighttable allows you to edit and view Javascript, CSS and HTML and the browser results tab in multiple tabs, but only on a horizontal split, but still pretty awesome. enter image description here



if they're still interested check out Brackets and JSBin



You can take a look at It is powerful and has a lot of features that might match what you are looking for.



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