Comparing two dates with jQuery
I am using the Calender plugin to select two dates from and to respectively. I need to compare the value always with the jQuery value as soon as I select the dates.
I am using the following code
var fromDate = $("#from").val();
var toDate = $("#to").val();
if (Date.parse(fromDate) > Date.parse(toDate)) {
alert("Invalid Date Range!\nStart Date cannot be after End Date!")
return false;
And the HTML code:
<input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="" class="datepicker validate[custom[date]]" tabindex="4" />
<input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="" class="datepicker validate[custom[date]]" tabindex="4" />
If I use jquery validation plugin for comparison:
<input value="" class="validate[required,custom[date],future[2009-01-01]" type="text" id="d1" name="d1" />
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1 answer
You have to change your HTML, you used the same ID and name for both fields. Change it as shown below
<input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="" class="datepicker validate[custom[date]]" tabindex="4" />
<input type="text" name="to" id="to" value="" class="datepicker validate[custom[date]]" tabindex="4" />
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