Titanium mobile: display rightButton or rightView in Map Annotation in Android edition

Hello friends,

I ran into a problem in the map-pin in Titanium Development and in the map annotations that I have set and leftView and rightButton, and it works fine on iPhone, but in android it doesn't show rightButton, and also try rightView but won't show in android, so please give me an idea.

var annotationParams = {
                        title:currentWindow.name,//"Atlanta, GA",
                        pincolor: isAndroid ? "orange" : Titanium.Map.ANNOTATION_RED,
                        leftView: Titanium.UI.createImageView
                            image: currentWindow.photo,
                            height: 30,
                            width: 50
                     //rightView: Titanium.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.DISCLOSURE
                       rightButton: path +'/Images/fav.png'


Thanks in advance.


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