What's wrong with this ruby ​​code? syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER awaiting end_keyword

This code comes from a book called Ruby Best Practice:

def respond_to?(message)
  message = message.to_sym
  [:__result__, :inspect].include?(message) ||
    __result__.respond_to? message


But I get the error: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER awaiting keyword_end. What's the matter?


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1 answer

You will need another parenthesis like

def respond_to?(message)
  message = message.to_sym
  [:__result__, :inspect].include?(message) ||


or (but looks uglier)

def respond_to?(message)
  message = message.to_sym
  [:__result__, :inspect].include?(message) ||
    (__result__.respond_to? message)


In any case, what ruby ​​understands:

def respond_to?(message)
  message = message.to_sym
  ([:__result__, :inspect].include?(message) ||
    __result__.respond_to?) message


due to operator priority.

I like to call functions without parentheses, but that's fine, only when the code is not ambiguous, ruby ​​does not assign any priority to the newline, as it does for a function ||




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