What is the best way to store mind map data?

These mind maps start with the main topic and extend into many tree-like branches. However, nodes can have relationships with each other in different branches.

Here is an example without relationship http://www.identitywoman.net/personal-data-list-in-mind-map-form

The final dataset will be tens of thousands if I use SQL, XML, NO SQL, graph database or whatever?

I will need a community to help me create content and relationships can change and change


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4 answers

Since the dataset is large and the overall relationships are likely large, the key is what you do with the data. Creating simple hierarchical sets and subsets? Drawing complex graphs? Thoroughly sifting through subtle relationships looking for significant trends or trends (like data mining)? Data can be saved in any of several possible formats, so how you intend to use it will be an important factor in determining how to save it.



Graphical databases are well suited to this problem as their storage design matches the problem domain.

If the maps are split, then scaling will not be a problem, as separate trees can run on different machines. If all maps are interconnected, then horizontal scaling becomes more difficult.



Data, which should be mostly relational, should be hosted in a relational database using a relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL, Postgre, Oracle, etc. RDBMSs are set up to work with many, many relationships found in the mind map.

However, a very large mindmap that is frequently accessed is likely to benefit from some sort of caching system, but this subject is not responsible for the question.



One simple solution is to look at a thinking example :) Basically they showed that a mind map is just a glorified outline where each indentation is just an unsorted list of child parts that sometimes have child parts as well.



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