Idiomatic way to check for empty string in C?

In the current codebase I look there for at least the following:

  • if(strlen(str) == 0)

  • if(str[0] != 0)

  • if(!*str)

And similar options are empty / not empty for him. The former reads better, but may be time-wasting (which may not matter). And I suppose it is possible to make a macro #define STR_EMPTY(str) (*(str) == 0)


But anyway, is there a generally accepted way to check if a string is not in C?


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5 answers

Not. I saw all three. I personally use

if (!str[0])


Using strlen is a waste of cpu time and unsafe if you cannot guarantee that the string is complete.



  • if(strlen(str) == 0)

    -> it will crash if str==NULL

    (you need to test it before using strlen

  • if(str[0] != 0)

    → same as above
  • if(!*str)

    -> this actually does the same as 2)

To summarize: if you want to do it safely:

if(!str || !(*str)) { /* empty string or NULL */ }




If you already know that str

doesn't matter:

if (!*str) {
    // empty string



if (!str || !*str) {
    // empty string


Forget about strlen()




All of your examples are fine. This should be clear from the fact that all three are in your codebase that there is no "generally accepted" method.



I would definitely go with strlen(str) == 0

, just for clarity.

The function should be implemented something like this:

int strlen(char *s) {
  int len = 0;
  while(*(s++)) len++;
  return len;


so there won't be much overhead.

Edit: assuming you're sure that the string is actually null terminated.



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