Converting text with "sed" or "awk"

I have a very large input set that looks something like this:

Label: foo, Other text: text description...
   <insert label> Item: item description...
   <insert label> Item: item description...
Label: bar, Other text:...
   <insert label> Item:...
Label: baz, Other text:...
   <insert label> Item:...
   <insert label> Item:...
   <insert label> Item:...


I would like to convert this to pull the label name (for example "foo"

) and replace the tag "<insert label>"

on the following lines with the actual label.

Label: foo, Other text: text description...
   foo Item: item description...
   foo Item: item description...
Label: bar, Other text:...
   bar Item:...
Label: baz, Other text:...
   baz Item:...
   baz Item:...
   baz Item:...


Can this be done with sed or awk or some other unix tool? If so, how can I do this?


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3 answers

One solution using sed


Content script.sed


## When line beginning with the 'label' string.
/^Label/ {
    ## Save content to 'hold space'.

    ## Get the string after the label (removing all other characters)
    s/^[^ ]*\([^,]*\).*$/\1/

    ## Save it in 'hold space' and get the original content
    ## of the line (exchange contents).

    ## Print and read next line.
###--- Commented this wrong behaviour ---###    
#--- G
#--- s/<[^>]*>\(.*\)\n\(.*\)$/\2\1/

###--- And fixed with this ---###
## When line begins with '<insert label>'
/<insert label>/ {
    ## Append the label name to the line.

    ## And substitute the '<insert label>' string with it.
    s/<insert label>\(.*\)\n\(.*\)$/\2\1/


Content infile


Label: foo, Other text: text description...
   <insert label> Item: item description...
   <insert label> Item: item description...
Label: bar, Other text:...
   <insert label> Item:...
Label: baz, Other text:...
   <insert label> Item:...
   <insert label> Item:...
   <insert label> Item:...


Run it like this:

sed -f script.sed infile


And the result:

Label: foo, Other text: text description...
    foo Item: item description...
    foo Item: item description...
Label: bar, Other text:...
    bar Item:...
Label: baz, Other text:...
    baz Item:...
    baz Item:...
    baz Item:...




Here is my label.awk file:

/^Label:/ {
    label = $2
    sub(/,$/, "", label)

/<insert label>/ {
    sub(/<insert label>/, label)



To call:

awk -f label.awk data.txt




You can use awk like this:

awk '$1=="Label:" {label=$2; sub(/,$/, "", label);} 
     $1=="<insert" && $2=="label>" {$1=" "; $2=label;}
     {print $0;}' file




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