Determining intervals with specific values

I'm new to Python and am stuck trying to identify "intervals" where y-value = <70. I have an ordered dictionary entry:

 d = {0: '92', 11: '70', 43: '77', 44: '76', 61: '77', 64: '69',
                    68: '67', 84: '68', 93: '87', 108: '81', 141: '74'}


I want to write a function that allows me to identify "intervals" (a, b) based on keys (x-values) d based on y-values ​​= <N. My endpoints (a, b) should be where the values ​​start descend and ascend to and from this N value, so the actual end point values ​​will be "above" N, but the entries in between should be lower.

 (a,b): {above, below, below, below, above}


For example, I'm interested in intervals as a dictionary, here N = 70:

{(0,43):{92,70,77}, (61,93): {77, 69, 67, 68, 87}} <-- includes the values at endpoints


But, can ignore those other "intervals" where the values ​​are never lower than 70, so in this case we do not need: (43,51), (93,180)

Is there an easy way to do this? Until now, I could identify the points where the transition from "above" to "below" 70 or vice versa occurs, but I'm not sure how to proceed when creating spans and values ​​(for example, in a dictionary). I seem to have looked at this for too long.


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5 answers

The following code should give you the result you requested:

oninterval = False
dd = {}
keys = d.keys()
start_key, first_val = keys[0], d[keys[0]]

for k in keys:
    v = float(d[k])
    if oninterval:
        if not int(v) <= 70: # interval ends
            oninterval = False
            dd[(start_key,k)] = cur_list
        if int(v) <= 70:
            cur_list = [first_val, v]
            oninterval = True
            start_key, first_val = k, v

if oninterval: dd[(start_key, keys[-1])] = cur_list



Extended code share to accept the first or last element to have a y-value <= 70 and treat y-values ​​as floats



For reasons that I cannot fully explain, this problem mesmerized me. But I think I finally got it from my system. First, a basic, clean and simple solution:

intervals = [[]]
prev = None
sorted_items = sorted(d.iteritems())
for k, v in sorted_items:
    if v <= 70:
        ext = (k,) if (intervals[-1] or prev is None) else (prev, k)
    elif intervals[-1]:
    prev = k

if not intervals[-1]:

print dict(((iv[0], iv[-1]), [d[k] for k in iv]) for iv in intervals)


It's easy enough to abstract the above to create an iterator:

def iter_intervals(vals, filter_f, _nil=object()):
    prev = _nil
    interval = []
    for x in vals:
        if filter_f(x):
            ext = (x,) if (interval or prev is _nil) else (prev, x)
        elif interval:
            yield interval
            interval = []
        prev = x
    if interval: 
        yield interval

intervals = iter_intervals(d.iteritems(), lambda x: x[1] <= 70)
print dict(((iv[0][0], iv[-1][0]), [v for k, v in iv]) for iv in intervals)


But it has to store a lot of state. I wonder if there is a way to do less ...

def iter_intervals(vals, filter_f, _nil=object()):
    iters = itertools.tee(itertools.chain((_nil,), vals, (_nil,)), 3)
    next(iters[1]); next(iters[2]); next(iters[2])
    triplets = itertools.izip(*iters)
    interval = set()
    for p, curr, n in triplets:
        if filter_f(curr):
            interval.update((p, curr, n))
        elif interval:
            yield sorted(interval)
            interval = set()
    if interval:
        yield sorted(interval)

intervals = iter_intervals(d.iteritems(), lambda x: x[1] <= 70)
print dict(((iv[0][0], iv[-1][0]), [v for k, v in iv]) for iv in intervals)


Having done this, it is now more obvious how to adapt ninjagecko's solution to avoid the lookahead / lookbehind issue that caused it to keep the list:

def framed_intervals(points, filter_f, _nil=object()):
    iters = itertools.tee(itertools.chain((_nil,), points, (_nil,)), 3)
    next(iters[1]); next(iters[2]); next(iters[2])
    triplets = itertools.izip(*iters)
    for below, group in itertools.groupby(triplets, lambda x: filter_f(x[1])):
        if below:
            interval = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(group))
            interval.discard(_nil)   # or continue if None in interval to
            yield sorted(interval)   # drop incomplete intervals

intervals = framed_intervals(d.iteritems(), lambda x: x[1] <= 70)
print dict(((iv[0][0], iv[-1][0]), [v for k, v in iv]) for iv in intervals)




d = {0: '92', 11: '70', 43: '77', 44: '76', 61: '77', 64: '69',
        68: '67', 84: '68', 93: '87', 108: '81', 141: '74'}

r = []
k = None
v = None

for i in sorted(d.keys()):
    if not k is None:

    if int(d[i]) > 70:
        if k is None:
            k = [i]
            v = [d[i]];
            r.append((tuple(k), v))
            k = None
            v = None

print r




Here's a somewhat detailed solution:

import collections

values = [(0, '92'), (11, '70'), (43, '77'), (44, '76'), (61, '77'), (64, '69'),
   (68, '67'), (84, '68'), (93, '87'), (108, '81'), (141, '74')]
d = collections.OrderedDict(values)

def intervals(d, n):
    result = collections.OrderedDict()
    interval = list()
    lastk, lastv, startk = None, None, None
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if int(v) > n:
            if startk is not None:
                result[(startk, k)] = interval
                interval = list()
                startk = None
            if lastv:
                startk = lastk
        lastk, lastv = k, int(v) > n
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print intervals(d, 70)


When I run this, it prints:

OrderedDict([((0, 43), [92, 70, 77]), ((61, 93), [77, 69, 67, 68, 87])])


which is the desired result.



sidenote: your dictionary has string values, not int values. And you could mean <= and not <, in your example.

So, to formulate your problem more clearly, you:

  • Has an ordered list of points (x,y)

  • Enter the threshold value T
  • We want to find all consecutive runs of points p i, ..., p jso that the end points are> T but the other points are not; those. all areas where the points "go down and out" of the threshold line. ( Note that such runs can overlap, for example[71,70,{71],70,71}


The algorithm will look like this:

from itertools import *

def dippingIntervals(points, threshold=70):
    yBelowThreshold = lambda i: points[i][1]<=threshold

    for below,g in groupby(range(len(points)), yBelowThreshold):
        if below:
            interval = list(g)
            start,end = interval[0],interval[-1]
            if start>0 and end<len(points)-2:     #modify if "open" intervals also desired
                yield points[start-1 : end+2]



>>> d = [(0, 92), (11, 70), (43, 77), (44, 76), (61, 77), (64, 69), (68, 67), (84, 68), (93, 87), (108, 81), (141, 74)]
>>> pprint(list( dippingIntervals(d) ))
[((0, 92), (11, 70), (43, 77)),
 ((61, 77), (64, 69), (68, 67), (84, 68), (93, 87))]


You can post-process the data without too much trouble, for example to get it in the format you want, by changing the above function as follows:

... yield (start,end), {xy[1] for xy in points[start-1 : end+2]}


The disadvantage of this method is that it does not work on iterators; the following will work on iterators and a more "classic" way of doing it:

def getY(point):
    return point[1]

def dippingIntervals(points, threshold=70, key=getY):
        Returns runs of points whose y-values dip below intervals
        >>> list( dippingIntervals([71,70,74,64,64,70,71], key=lambda x:x) )
        [(71, [70], 74), 
         (74, [64, 64, 70], 71)]
    def match(point):
        return key(point)<=threshold

    lastP = None
    for p in points:
        if lastP==None:
            lastP = p

        if not match(lastP) and match(p):
            start = lastP
            R = [p]
        elif match(lastP) and match(p):
            R += [p]
        elif match(lastP) and not match(p):
            end = p
            yield start,R,end

        lastP = p




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