Using jQuery to replace an element including all HTML tags

Let's assume I have the correct position of the element. What's the way to replace all the html including the tags of a given HTML block using jQuery ()? I want to do something similar to the following. Is this a good way to do it? What other methods are available or helpful to review?

var location = 'td[id^="A0.R0.Work"]';
var element = jQuery(location).prev();
element.html('<h1>some code</h1>');




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3 answers

JQUERY is sometimes too much overhead.

var location = document.getElementById('A0.R0.Work');
location.innerHTML = '<h1>some code</h1>';




Try .replaceWith()





The code you provided will try to assign HTML to the jQuery function html

. Instead, pass your html as a function argument html


var location = 'td[id^="A0.R0.Work"]';
var element = jQuery(location).prev();
element.html('<h1>some code</h1>');




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