Passing an array as a command argument
I am trying to pass an array to a ruby script from the command line and am running into some problem.
Here's the problem:
require 'pp'
def foo(arr1, var, arr2, var2)
puts arr1.class
pp arr1
pp arr1[0]
puts arr2.class
pp arr2
pp arr2[0]
foo [1, 2], 3, [5, 6], 8
Here's the result:
[1, 2]
[5, 6]
Things are good. Now I modify my script to accept an argument from the command line:
require 'pp'
def foo(arr1,var)
puts arr1.class
pp arr1
pp arr1[0]
foo ARGV[0],3
Here's the result:
jruby test.rb [1, 2], 3, [5, 6], 8
As you can see, the array is passed as a string, and arr [0] basically prints the ascii value.
So the question is how to pass the array from the command line, hopefully in one line. Also I believe this question is related to all shell calls than just ruby?
I am using bash shell.
Update: Just updated the question to indicate that there could be multiple arrays at different positions.
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Here's a list of ways to accomplish this. Stay away from based solutions eval
. My favorite (although I don't know ruby, but this is my favorite:
irb(main):001:0> s = "[5,3,46,6,5]"
=> "[5,3,46,6,5]"
irb(main):002:0> a = s.scan( /\d+/ )
=> ["5", "3", "46", "6", "5"]
irb(main):003:0>!{ |s| s.to_i }
=> [5, 3, 46, 6, 5]
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The arguments will always be presented as a string, you need to find a way to turn them into the format you want, in your example an array of values followed by one value. I suggest using trollop as a way to get away from arguments hard. It can take multivalued arguments like
require 'trollop'
opts = Trollop.options do
opt :array, 'an array', type: :ints
opt :val, 'a value', type: :int
puts "array: #{opts[:array].inspect}"
puts "val: #{opts[:val].inspect}"
Then you can do:
$ ruby test.rb -a 1 2 -v 3
array: [1, 2]
val: 3
And it's also nice:
$ ruby test.rb --help
--array, -a <i+>: an array
--val, -v <i>: a value
--help, -h: Show this message
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