SQL - Create a conditional Where clause for this simple query
I'm trying to create a conditional where clause for my query below, but I see so many alternatives all the time, I'm not sure what to use in this case.
I need something like this: (although of course this code is wrong)
where casCaseType='m'
and casCurrentWorkflowID=990
and cmsDateCreated between @FromDate and @ToDate
CASE @WFStatus
WHEN @WFStatus=1 then eveworkflowID<100
WHEN @WFStatus=2 then eveworkflowID<200
WHEN @WFStatus=3 then eveworkflowID<300
WHEN @WFStatus=4 then eveworkflowID<400
So when I select the WFStatus parameter as 1, it automatically uses that section of the where clause, outputting only those results with eveworkflowID less than 100.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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