Custom scaling in gnuplot for y-axis (equivalent to logscale y-set)
I have defined a function f()
that I would like to use for scaling, similar to logscale (but f()
not a logarithmic function). Is there a way to do this automatically, for example set fscale y
Otherwise, I tried to plot the scaled function:
plot 'data' using 1:(f($2))
but then the scale on the y-axis is obviously wrong. Can I use my function to somehow change the scale of the y-axis?
I would like not to set all the labels and their labels manually (because I will be using this script for a lot of different graphs).
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If your data is not much different, you can insert ticks semi-automatically by adding the plot command to set ytics ({"<label>"} <pos> {<level>} {,{"<label>"}...)
Just use the appropriate number of points to keep the graph clean.
$ cat
0 0
1 3
2 2.2
5 5
7 1.2
9 4
12 9
15 5
so our y data ranges from 0 to 9.
$ gnuplot
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last modified March 2011
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gnuplot> f(x) = x**2
gnuplot> set yrange [0:f(10)]
gnuplot> set ytics ("0" f(0), "5" f(5), "7.5" f(7.5), "10" f(10))
gnuplot> plot "" u 1:(f($2)) w l
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