Why is my ServiceStack throwing an exception?

I built a simple Rest service using ServiceStack (which is brilliant) that returns a list of key value pairs.

My service looks like this:

 public class ServiceListAll : RestServiceBase<ListAllResponse>
    public override object OnGet(ListAllResponse request)
        APIClient c = VenueServiceHelper.CheckAndGetClient(request.APIKey, VenueServiceHelper.Methods.ListDestinations);

        if (c == null)
            return null;
            if ((RequestContext.AbsoluteUri.Contains("counties")))
                return General.GetListOfCounties();

            else if ((RequestContext.AbsoluteUri.Contains("destinations")))
                return General.GetListOfDestinations();

                return null;


my answer looks like this:

    public class ListAllResponse
    public string County { get; set; }
    public string Destination { get; set; }
    public string APIKey { get; set; }     


and I matched the rest of the urls like this:



when calling the service

http: // localhost: 5000 / counties /? apikey = xxx & format = xml

I am getting this exception (the breakpoint on the first line of the service is not hit):

NullReferenceException An object reference was not specified in an object instance. at ServiceStack.Text.XmlSerializer.SerializeToStream (Object obj, Stream stream) at ServiceStack.Common.Web.HttpResponseFilter. <GetStreamSerializer> b_3 (IRequestContext r, Object o, Stream s) in ServiceStack.Common.Web.HttpResponseFilter. <> c_DisplayClass1. <GetResponseSerializer> b__0 (IRequestContext httpReq, Object dto, IHttpResponse httpRes) in ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Extensions.HttpResponseExtensions.WriteToResponse (IHttpResponseExtensions.WriteToResponse (response IHttpResponerSeponer, object result, ResponseText)

The exception is thrown regardless of whether I include any parameters in the call or not. I also created a number of other services along the same lines in the same project that work fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction on what this means?


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1 answer

Your web service design is slightly reversed, your DTO request should RestServiceBase<TRequest>

not go your answer. And if you are creating a REST-ful service, I recommend the name (i.e. DTO request) of your service to be a noun for example. in this case, perhaps codes.

Also I recommend having and using the same syntax response for your service with a name following the convention '{RequestDto} Response', for example. CodesResponse.

Finally, we return an empty response instead of null, so clients need to process an empty result set rather than a null result.

This is how I would rewrite your service:

 public class Codes {
      public string APIKey { get; set; }     
      public string Type { get; set; }

 public class CodesResponse {
      public CodesResponse() {
           Results = new List<string>();

      public List<string> Results { get; set; }

 public class CodesService : RestServiceBase<Codes>
      public override object OnGet(Codes request)
           APIClient c = VenueServiceHelper.CheckAndGetClient(request.APIKey, 

           var response = new CodesResponse();
           if (c == null) return response;

           if (request.Type == "counties") 
                response.Results = General.GetListOfCounties();
           else if (request.Type == "destinations") 
                response.Results = General.GetListOfDestinations();

           return response; 


You can use the [RestService] attribute or the following route (which does the same):



This will allow you to call the service like this:





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