Concrete content types (blocks) Concrete5

Is there anywhere on the internet where I can find how to create custom blocks in the same way we can create custom content types in Wordpress. Desired result is to add a block that will allow the user to add / edit custom fields like client name, portfolio description, portfolio portfolio.


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2 answers

I've created a free tool called "Content Designer" that allows you to easily create these custom blocks:

That being said, it's important to understand this key concept: in Concrete5, everything revolves around PAGES. In general, you want to try to create an architecture where each piece of data is presented on its own page (a "detail" page, which will be roughly equal to a single Wordpress blog post). You then use the Page List box (usually creating your own template to change its look) to list the headings, links, and excerpts / photos from each of these β€œdetail” pages on the top-level β€œindex” page (roughly equivalent to the home pages or categories in Wordpress).

For example, if you're building a portfolio site, you might want one top-level Portfolio page that displays a thumbnail and title of each part, followed by a Portfolio Part page type that contains one part per page - each lives under an index. the top-level portfolio page.

Advantages of this approach: C5 provides you with out-of-the-box tools to manage your "data" (pages) in this way - users can add, edit, delete and rearrange pages via the "Sitemap" "in the dashboard. Site search works without any changes - each page (i.e. a portion of the portfolio) will be its own search result with a link to a specific page.Also you have finer control over access rights if you ever decide to restrict access to only certain groups of people (registered users, etc.) etc.).

If you take this approach, you may find the Page List addon useful (it will allow the Page List block that you use for the top-level index page to display the actual content, excluding the pages instead of having a separate Description field):

Or, if you want to dive even deeper and customize the page list template, I have a starter template with a ton of code comments explaining how to do different things here: /page_list/view.php

But ... if you are only talking about a small amount of information and you think that the individual page for each is too crowded, then the Designer Content approach I linked to will work fine at first.



You can find the HOW-TO for creating new blocks written by Franz Maruna on the specific website5.

Here is the link: Creating a new block type

There is also a simple block that you can download and install to help you follow the tutorials. You can find it here: Simple Block Template



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