Java EE - Configuration Issues for Newbies

all. A relative rookie who spent the better part of three days just trying to get started with Java EE and it got me hitting the wall. I have already read many tutorials and consulted several books, so now I am reaching out to you.

I start off with a complete scratch by removing NetBeans and Glassfish and the Java EE SDK. My main problem is just configuration. All the resources I have found usually say in a simple line, "After you download the SDK, you must set up your environment for Java EE." But how? I need this in plain english. Even the most novice guides leave this basic material behind. Does this mean editing the JAVA_HOME path or what? How does this configuration relate to Java SE already on my system? Also, I suppose I don't need to also download the JDK from EE, since I already have the JDK? (I'm a Mac user, if that matters.)

I know I have a long, long way to go, so I appreciate any help I can get in trying to get this ball rolling. Thank you very much in advance!


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4 answers

Usually, you want to set the Java Home path so that your JDK is recognized when compiling and running your code. Sometimes IDEs come with their own JDK and then it really doesn't matter. However, this is how you would set the path on different OSes.

For MAC, I recommend this tutorial



I think if you are using Netbeans you shouldn't have to worry about it ...

Just File > New Project > Java Web > Web Application

helps you get started with web applications.



Make sure your JAVA_HOME is set in environment variables (just downloading the SDK is not enough, you need to configure), I don't know how to do this, but on Windows we configure mine by right clicking mycomputer -> Advanced -> Environment Variables

Then install Netbeans, this step automatically searches for JAVA_HOME and assumes the SDK is for all purposes. Then you program everything.



If you don't mind switching to Eclipse, I can recommend this tutorial Eclipse / GlassFish / Java EE 6 Tutorial to ignore the link to Azzyzt tools and follow step by step using the GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse .



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