Javascript Xpath and default namespaces

I have JavaScript / Xpath not working as I expected. ( available at jsfiddle ) It seems that I am doing something wrong with the XML namespace, preventing me from querying my elements by their node (tags).

If I try to query for all child nodes of the current node, I find the element myElement

with no problem:

    var xpathResult = xmlDoc.evaluate( "child::*", rootElement, nsResolver, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
    var queryEl;
    if(queryEl = xpathResult.iterateNext()) {
        alert("child::* found element " + queryEl.nodeName);
    else {
        alert("child::* found nothing!");


... but if I specifically target nodes named myElement

node (tag) I don't get any results:

    /* Now try getting only those children with nodeName `myElement` */
   xpathResult = xmlDoc.evaluate( "child::myElement", rootElement, nsResolver, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
    var queryEl;
    if(queryEl = xpathResult.iterateNext()) {
        alert("child::myElement found element " + queryEl.nodeName);
    else {
        alert("child::myElement found nothing!");


What am I doing wrong?


source to share

1 answer

Try this as your resolver:

var nsResolver = (function (element) {
      nsResolver = element.ownerDocument.createNSResolver(element),
      defaultNamespace = element.getAttribute('xmlns');

    return function (prefix) {
       return nsResolver.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) || defaultNamespace;
} (xmlDoc.documentElement));


You will also need to select items like this:

// where 'default' can be anything, as long as there is a namespace


Further reading:

Your fiddle: (updated)



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