Passenger Spawning Many Rack Applications

output passenger-memory-stats

----- Passenger processes -----
PID    VMSize    Private  Name
28572  207.4 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
28580  207.0 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
28588  206.0 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
28648  206.5 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
29005  23.0 MB   ?        PassengerWatchdog
29008  100.5 MB  ?        PassengerHelperAgent
29010  43.1 MB   ?        Passenger spawn server
29013  70.8 MB   ?        PassengerLoggingAgent
29053  202.0 MB  ?        Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /home/myapp/application
29105  202.3 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
29114  202.3 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
29121  202.3 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
29130  202.3 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application
29138  202.3 MB  ?        Rack: /home/myapp/application


It looks like a lot of spawned processes ... this is an app that is currently in development and no one (I know it) hit it ...

output passenger-status

  App root: /home/myapp/application
  * PID: 29105   Sessions: 1    Processed: 0       Uptime: 15m 11s
  * PID: 29114   Sessions: 1    Processed: 0       Uptime: 14m 0s
  * PID: 29121   Sessions: 1    Processed: 0       Uptime: 14m 0s
  * PID: 29130   Sessions: 1    Processed: 0       Uptime: 14m 0s
  * PID: 29138   Sessions: 1    Processed: 0       Uptime: 14m 0s


First, is it okay?

Second, what are the possible reasons?


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2 answers

For anyone else with Rails freezing issue ... If you are running on a VPS with limited memory, check and make sure you tweak your max_pool so you don't have too many instances of the application for your system to handle. this is 6, which seems to be too much for memory related VPSs.

The docs on setting up the maximum pool:



It is possible that some process is preserved from earlier versions of your application. Our Rack app handles every point up to a specific version of our app.

95171 2491.8 MB 4.8 MB Rack: / Deployment / theapp / releases / 20120530013237

And there were multiple processes pointing to many different releases. Which leads me to the conclusion that they are left after restarting the application.

I thought maybe touching tmp / restart.txt instead of restarting apache has this effect. So I set: use_sudo to true and restarted with "run" # {try_sudo} / opt / local / apache2 / bin / apachectl graceful "instead, and the only Rack processes I can see are the ones that were just started.



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