How to sort a list of dictionaries based on a value in a key in a dictionary in C # .NET Silverlight?

So I have List

of Dictionary<string, string> dict

and I want to sort List

alphabetically from value dict["Title"]


How should I do it?

And what if I want to accept a value dict["Title"]

, change it as string title = dict["Title"] + "xyz";

and then use the changed title

as the sort value of that dict

(without actually changing it dict["Title"]

) ...

How should I do it?



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4 answers

Linq it:

var dicts = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

var sort = dicts.OrderBy(x => x.ContainsKey("Title") ? x["Title"] : string.Empty);
var sort2 = dicts.OrderBy(x => x.ContainsKey("Title") ? x["Title"] + "xyz" : string.Empty);




You seem to be trying to say something like this:

List<Dictionary<string, string>> list;


And what you want to do is something like



But not really. So what you can do is either make a wrapper class for Dictionary<string, string>

and then overload the comparison methods, or you can make a comparison method like

static int CompareDicts(Dictionary<string, string> x, Dictionary<string, string> y) {
  return String.Compare(x["Title"],y["Title"]);



static int CompareDicts(Dictionary<string, string> x, Dictionary<string, string> y) {
  return String.Compare(x["Title"]+"xyz",y["Title"]+"xyz");


And then sort



Edit: For a group of sort functions in the list, select



var dicts = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

// populate dictionaries.

var sorted = dicts.OrderBy(x => x.ContainsKey("Title") ? x["Title"] : string.Empty));




LINQ is the solution here.

dictionary.OrderBy(o => o.Key)
dictionary.OrderByDescending(o => o.Key)


And for the modified version

dictionary.OrderBy(o => o.Key + "xyz")
dictionary.OrderByDescending(o => o.Key + "xyz")




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