MySQL order of priority

Hi, I am building a Java program where I need to manage some elements. For this I need to filter the elements. I am filtering the items by creating a SQL query and executing it. I need the following query for the first sort ( LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM grupe ORDER BY grupe.pavadinimas DESC)grupe ON

) And only then add all the other data and execute the WHERE clause.

FROM    (
        SELECT  preke.* 
        FROM    preke_tiekejas
                , preke 
        WHERE   preke_tiekejas.tiek_id IN (18610,13604) 
                AND preke.pr_id=preke_tiekejas.pr_id 
        GROUP BY 
      ) preke
      , preke_kaina
      , (
        SELECT  * 
        FROM    preke_info 
        WHERE   preke_info.pavadinimas LIKE '%kait%'
      ) preke_info
    ) LEFT JOIN (
      SELECT  * 
      FROM    grupe 
      ORDER BY 
              grupe.pavadinimas DESC
    )grupe ON grupe.pgs_id=preke.pgs_id 
    LEFT JOIN gamintojas ON gamintojas.gam_id=preke.gam_id 
    LEFT JOIN grupe_darb ON grupe_darb.pgs_id=grupe.pgs_id 
WHERE   preke_kaina.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
    AND preke_info.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
    AND grupe_darb.darb_id = 20 
LIMIT 0, 500


If I remove these two subqueries:

(SELECT * FROM preke_info WHERE preke_info.pavadinimas LIKE '%kait%')

(SELECT preke.* FROM preke_tiekejas, preke
WHERE preke_tiekejas.tiek_id IN (18610,13604)
AND preke.pr_id=preke_tiekejas.pr_id
GROUP BY preke_tiekejas.pr_id)


then the request works the way I want.

PS It is impossible to order it only at the end of the request, since there are a huge number of records, and then it becomes damn slow.


enter image description here

@Lieven :

query results are NOT the same - no limit should be ~ 90k rows: enter image description here

the query results are NOT the same - we return ~ 50rows: enter image description here


source to share

1 answer

I find it difficult to read your request, I would reformat it to


FROM    (
            SELECT  preke.* 
            FROM    preke_tiekejas
                    , preke 
            WHERE   preke_tiekejas.tiek_id IN (18610,13604) 
                    AND preke.pr_id=preke_tiekejas.pr_id 
            GROUP BY 
          ) preke
          , preke_kaina
          , (
            SELECT  * 
            FROM    preke_info 
            WHERE   preke_info.pavadinimas LIKE '%kait%'
          ) preke_info
        ) LEFT JOIN (
          SELECT  * 
          FROM    grupe 
          ORDER BY 
                  grupe.pavadinimas DESC
        )grupe ON grupe.pgs_id=preke.pgs_id 
        LEFT JOIN gamintojas ON gamintojas.gam_id=preke.gam_id 
        LEFT JOIN grupe_darb ON grupe_darb.pgs_id=grupe.pgs_id 
WHERE   preke_kaina.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
        AND preke_info.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
        AND grupe_darb.darb_id = 20 
LIMIT 0, 500


After formatting, I'll remove the implicit syntax JOIN

. You should always use explicit JOIN

for readability and maintenance. The implicit syntax JOIN

will sooner or later become obsolete.

Using Explicit JOINS

FROM    ( (
            SELECT  preke.* 
            FROM    preke_tiekejas
                    INNER JOIN preke ON preke.pr_id=preke_tiekejas.pr_id 
            WHERE   preke_tiekejas.tiek_id IN (18610,13604)                     
            GROUP BY 
          ) preke
          INNER JOIN preke_kaina preke_kaina.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
          INNER JOIN (
            SELECT  * 
            FROM    preke_info 
            WHERE   preke_info.pavadinimas LIKE '%kait%'
          ) preke_info ON preke_info.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
        ) LEFT JOIN (
          SELECT  * 
          FROM    grupe 
          ORDER BY 
                  grupe.pavadinimas DESC
        )grupe ON grupe.pgs_id=preke.pgs_id 
        LEFT JOIN gamintojas ON gamintojas.gam_id=preke.gam_id 
        LEFT JOIN grupe_darb ON grupe_darb.pgs_id=grupe.pgs_id 
WHERE   grupe_darb.darb_id = 20 
LIMIT   0, 500


Extra subqueries are now allocated. I could be off, but I believe your statement can be boiled down to this

Removing redundant subqueries

FROM    (
          SELECT  preke.* 
          FROM    preke_tiekejas
                  INNER JOIN preke ON preke.pr_id=preke_tiekejas.pr_id 
          WHERE   preke_tiekejas.tiek_id IN (18610,13604)                     
          GROUP BY 
        ) preke
        INNER JOIN preke_kaina preke_kaina.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
        INNER JOIN preke_info ON preke_info.pr_id=preke.pr_id 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN grupe ON grupe.pgs_id=preke.pgs_id 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN gamintojas ON gamintojas.gam_id=preke.gam_id 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN grupe_darb ON grupe_darb.pgs_id=grupe.pgs_id 
WHERE   grupe_darb.darb_id = 20 
        AND preke_info.pavadinimas LIKE '%kait%'
        grupe.pavadinimas DESC
LIMIT   0, 500


Now for me this is a request that I can work with. Unfortunately, I don't see any major performance issues that proper indexing can't solve.

Can you show us a plan for fulfilling your request?



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