Unable to add user with Gitolite

I'm new to gitolite. I am installing gitolite on a remote server.



So, I could git-cloning gitolite-admin.git.

git clone ssh://gitolite@dev.remoteserver.com/gitolite-admin.git


I wanted to add user and repo using gitolit. The next is the usual process for adding users.

In the local repository, conf / keydir exists.

open conf/gitolite.conf 


added below the text.

repo   aproject
       RW+ = testid


and, in local-mac,

ssh-keygen -t rsa. 


added the public key to keydir / testid.pub
and then git add / git commit / git push works well.

okay then I tried to clone the new git repository from the remote server.

git clone ssh://testid@dev.remoteserver.com/aproject.git


but it makes a mistake like this ...

mac$ git clone ssh://testid@dev.remoteserver.com/aproject.git
Cloning into 'aproject'...
mac@dev.remoteserver.com password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
mac@dev.remoteserver.com password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
mac@dev.remoteserver.com password: 
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly


I think git clone shoud doesn't ask for password. and the correct password also failed git-cloning.

My remote server is CentOS.

and comments are welcome.


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2 answers

With gitolite

all your ssh messages done with the account used for the installation gitolite

In your case: gitolite


However, you can specify a different public key to specify gitolite

for authentication with a different user.
The ssh session will still run as gitolite

But the name passed to the gitolite

script will be testid

(since the public key was registered gitolite

in its ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

as ' testid


So use the file ~testid/.ssh/config

where you give the correct parameter:

Host gitolitesrv
Hostname dev.remoteserver.com
User gitolite
IdentityFile /path/to/tesitd


Note that this /path/to/

must contain your private key testid

and your public key testid.pub

At this stage, their name is irrelevant (can be xxx

and xxx.pub

was important public key name is stored in gitolite-admin/keydir/testid.pub

(since the file name is used for the identifier recorded in authorized_keys

a forced command

And then this one git clone

should work:

git clone gitolitesrv:aproject.git


OP Jinbom Heo mentions difficulties:

Cloning into an "object" ... R access for a DENIED object to gitolite
(Or there could be no repository along the given path. Did you name it correctly?) Fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

it seems that the git user is not testid

as well gitolite


Host dev2git 
  Hostname dev.remoteserver.com 
  User gitolite 
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/testid


And the file gitolite.conf

includes the following (git-pushed):

repo aproject RW + = testid

Finally, I found the reason.
When generating ssh key using ssh-keygen, I typed in a password . This is problem.
So I tried keygen without password and it works ~. I don't know why the password should not be added when I make the key. Anyway, it works well

I can confirm that I always use keys without a passphrase .
I want to protect your key passphrase, see ". Annex 1: ssh daemon prompts for a password "

make sure you are prompted for a password and not a passphrase.
Do not be confused or mistaken in the prompt "Enter a passphrase for the key" /home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa

": to request a password from a remote server!

When you create ssh keypair

with help ssh-keygen

, you have the option to protect it with a passphrase.
When you subsequently use this keypair

to access a remote host, the local client ssh

needs to unlock the corresponding private key, and ssh

possibly ask for a passphrase when you createdkeypair


You have two options to avoid this prompt every time you try to use the private key.

  • The first is to generate key pairs without a passphrase (just hit enter when prompted for one).
    Don't forget to add the passphrase later, once everything is working using ssh-keygen -p

  • The second is using ssh-agent

    (or keychain

    , which in turn uses ssh-agent

    ) or something similar to manage your keys.
    In addition to discussing another potential issue with ssh-agent

    (see Appendix 3: The ssh client may not offer the correct key ), further discussion ssh-agent/keychain

    is outside the scope of this document.


I was having problems cloning the repository gitolite-admin

after the initial setup and it was because I gave the group write permissions to the gitolite user's home folder git

and ssh

didn't like that.

I checked Check /var/log/secure

and saw this:

Authentication denied: poor ownership or modes for directory / home / git

So, all I needed to do was:

sudo chmod g-w /home/git/




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