Python code not working correctly, same thing in java does
I tried to solve Project Euler 10 problem with python, but my program gave the wrong result. Since I'm a complete noob to python and I couldn't find any error in my (obviously brute-force) logic, I wrote the program in java (almost translated it) and this gave a different result that turned out to be correct.
Here is the python code:
from math import *
limit = 2000000
def isPrime(number):
if number == 2: return 1
elif number % 2 == 0: return 0
elif number == 3: return 1
elif number == 5: return 1
elif number == 7: return 1
rootOfNumber = sqrt(number)
tag = 3
while tag < rootOfNumber:
if number % tag != 0:
tag += 2
break ###
if tag >= rootOfNumber: ###EDIT: it should by only tag > rootOfNumber here
return 1 ### Thats what the problem was.
return 0
sum = 2 # 2 is an even prime, something we are not iterating for
for i in range(3, limit, 2):
if isPrime(i) == 1:
sum += i
Equivalent Java Code:
public class Prob10{
static int limit = 2000000;
static long sum = 2L; // 2 is an even prime, something we are not iterating for
public static void main (String[] args) {
for(int i = 3; i < limit; i+=2) {
if( isPrime(i) )
sum += i;
private static boolean isPrime (int number) {
if (number == 2) return true;
else if (number == 3 || number == 5 || number == 7) return true;
else {
double rootOfNumber = Math.sqrt(number);
int tag = 3;
while (tag < rootOfNumber) {
if (number % tag != 0)
tag +=2;
if (tag > rootOfNumber)
return true;
return false;
I think I am making some kind of stupid mistake or missing some subtle point.
ps I know my implementation is isPrime
not very good. I am not printing the outputs because it might mess up the problem for others.
Any comments about (bad) style in a python program are welcome.
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