C # generic class with conditional constraint?

class Factory<Product> where Product : new()
    public Factory()
        : this(() => new Product())

    public Factory(System.Func<Product> build)
        this.build = build;

    public Product Build()
        return build();

    private System.Func<Product> build;


In Factory

when it Product

has a public default constructor, I would like clients not to have to tell how to build it (via the first constructor). However, I would like to resolve situations where Product

there is no default public constructor (via the second constructor).


A general constraint is required to allow the first constructor to be implemented, but it disallows use with any class without a public default constructor.

Is there a way to resolve both?


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1 answer

Not directly, but you can use a non-generic Factory

factory (sic) with a generic method, put a type constraint in the type parameter for the method, and use that to provide the delegate with unlimited Factory<T>


static class Factory
    public static Factory<T> FromConstructor<T>() where T : new()
        return new Factory<T>(() => new T());

class Factory<TProduct>
    public Factory(Func<TProduct> build)
        this.build = build;

    public TProduct Build()
        return build();

    private Func<TProduct> build;




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