Ruby demands very slow

I have a ruby ​​script running on a small ec2 instance running ubuntu 10.10 and ruby ​​1.9.2p0 (no rails)

I need multiple files on top and die right away to check the speed. Two stones take a long time to load.

This is a list of gems that I am downloading:

require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'
require 'yaml'
require 'json/pure'
require 'logger'
require 'aws'
require 'time'


runs the file and dies right after it takes 2.3 seconds

without active_record it will work in 1.4 seconds without aws it will work in 1.1 seconds

and without aws and active_record it will run in 0.3 seconds

I am new to ruby ​​coming from php and expected it to be faster. Are these load times normal or is there something wrong with my setup?


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1 answer

I am running ruby ​​1.9.3p194 on 64 bit Arch Linux and require "active_record" to take about 1.5 seconds, so I find it okay.



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