Where can I practice AJAX calls?
I am learning to make AJAX calls with jQuery and render data using templating engines like Mustache, Handlebars.js, and JSRender.
Is there a website or web service I can use to practice making AJAX calls and rendering them in HTML? Due to cross-domain scripting, I assume there is no shared data store with which I can practice calling. Does such a web service exist?
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1 answer
The JSFiddle is actually a really good place to do this. You can do a JSFiddle " echo " html or JSON you want to return:
type: "POST",
url: "/echo/json/",
data: {
json: JSON.stringify(
{ hello: "world" }
success: function (data) {
/* populate a template, etc. */
You can also add external resources (like a plugin for templates). Here is an example using mustache.js from cdnjs .
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