Find text based on HTML comment
How to use Nokogiri to search for text in <!--Sanction 3-->
(HTML parsing)?
I enter a search term on the site and the results are displayed on the next page. I need to grab data programmatically from a results page if it meets certain criteria.
When I analyzed the results page, I noticed that the items were broken down by sanctions. I need to know if the sanction has data and, if so, if it contains my keyword; I am looking for a county / state. I'm not sure how to get him to look at sanction. Here's some HTML:
<!--Sanction 3-->
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="XXheaderClass" colspan="5" scope="colgroup">
<table bgcolor="#ff9999" width="100%">
<td class="XXsanctionHeader1">
<span class="XXtextBold">Requirements Met</span>
<td class="XXsanctionHeader2">
<span class="XXtextBold">Status: GOOD</span>
<th class="XXheaderClass" width="31%" scope="col">
<span class="XXsmallTextBold">Description</span>
<th class="XXheaderClass" width="12%" scope="col">
<span class="XXsmallTextBold">Effective Date</span>
<th class="XXheaderClass" width="12%" scope="col">
<span class="XXsmallTextBold">Number</span>
<th class="XXheaderClass" width="12%" scope="col">
<span class="XXsmallTextBold">County/State</span>
<th class="XXheaderClass" width="33%" scope="col">
<span class="XXsmallTextBold">Address and Phone Number</span>
<td class="footerClass" colspan="5">
<table class="panelBox">
<a href="SanctionHelpPages/Sanction03Help.aspx" id="MainContent_lvSanction3_sanction03Link" class="outputLinkEx"><span class="XXlinkBold">
Click Here</span></a>
<span class="XXtextBold">to resolve,
requirements met.</span>
<tr id="MainContent_lvSanction3_Tr1_0">
<td class="XXsmallText">
<span id="MainContent_lvSanction3_lblDescription_0">DESCRIPTION </span>
<td class="XXsmallText">
<span id="MainContent_lvSanction3_lblEffectiveDate_0">9/19/20011</span>
<td class="XXsmallText">
<span id="MainContent_lvSanction3_lblNumber_0">1111 </span>
<td class="XXsmallText">
<span id="MainContent_lvSanction3_lblCountyState_0">MyCounty </span>
<td class="XXsmallText">
<span id="MainContent_lvSanction3_lblAddressAndPhoneNumber_0">1234 MyRoad AVE. CITY (xxx)xxx-xxxx</span>
<br />
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