How do I compare innerHTML containing a hex character reference?

I have a tag containing & # x25bc; (which is displayed as ▼ on the rendered page):

<span id=up_down>&#x25bc;</span>


The problem is that when I try and compare innerHTML against & # x25bc;

it is instead trying to compare ▼ == & # x25bc; (and failing)

var e = document.getElementById("up_down");
if ( e.innerHTML == '&#x25b2;' )
  e.innerHTML = '&#x25bc;';
else if ( e.innerHTML == '&#x25bc;' )
  e.innerHTML = '&#x25b2;';



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3 answers

Try escape()

using it instead of %u25BC

and %u25B2


var e = document.getElementById("up_down");
if ( escape(e.innerHTML) == '%u25B2' )
  e.innerHTML = '&#x25bc;';
else if ( escape(e.innerHTML) == '%u25BC' )
  e.innerHTML = '&#x25b2;';





Try to compare the character code instead:

if(e.textContent.charCodeA(0) == 0x25bc) {
  // Your code


Right now, you are comparing an actual character to a string containing its HTML entity representation.



Try something like this:

var upArrow = String.fromCharCode('0x25b2');
var downArrow = String.fromCharCode('0x25bc');

if ( e.innerHTML == upArrow )
  e.innerHTML = downArrow;
else if ( e.innerHTML == downArrow )
  e.innerHTML = upArrow;


