Max call stack size when trying to connect load to img using jQuery

I have a simple image that I select with (I also tried on()

and one()


$container.find('.thumbnail img').load(function(){


For some reason I am getting Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

. I am loading these images from an S3 instance if it matters. I know it redirects multiple times, but I don't think it matters.

Has anyone come across this or something similar. I don't feel like this will never be an endless loop. It also happens intermittently, which is more confusing.

Resize Material:

publicMethod.resize = function (options) {
    if (open) {
        options = options || {};

        if (options.width) {
            settings.w = setSize(options.width, 'x') - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth;
        if (options.innerWidth) {
            settings.w = setSize(options.innerWidth, 'x');
        $loaded.css({width: settings.w});

        if (options.height) {
            settings.h = setSize(options.height, 'y') - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight;
        if (options.innerHeight) {
            settings.h = setSize(options.innerHeight, 'y');
        if (!options.innerHeight && !options.height && $loaded.find('iframe').length == 0) {
            var $child = $loaded.wrapInner("<div style='overflow:auto'></div>").children(); // temporary wrapper to get an accurate estimate of just how high the total content should be.
            settings.h = $child.height();
            $child.replaceWith($child.children()); // ditch the temporary wrapper div used in height calculation
        if("scrollTop" in options) {
            settings.scrollTop = options.scrollTop;
        $loaded.css({height: settings.h});

        publicMethod.position(settings.transition === "none" ? 0 : settings.speed);



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1 answer

A couple of days after debugging, I finally discovered the problem. The problem is that a developer on the Rails side a few months ago, Paul Ireland, who redid an internal jQuery method special.add

that completely broke any stuff img.load()

. The snippet looks like this (and it is deployed globally in fact, but does not cause an issue until jQuery 1.6-1.7+

 * Special event for image load events
 * Needed because some browsers does not trigger the event on cached images.

 * MIT License
 * Paul Irish     | @paul_irish |
 * Andree Hansson | @peolanha   |
 * 2010.
 * Usage:
 * $(images).bind('load', function (e) {
 *   // Do stuff on load
 * });
 * Note that you can bind the 'error' event on data uri images, this will trigger when
 * data uri images isn't supported.
 * Tested in:
 * FF 3+
 * IE 6-8
 * Chromium 5-6
 * Opera 9-10
(function ($) {
    $.event.special.load = {
        add: function (hollaback) {
            if ( this.nodeType === 1 && this.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img' && this.src !== '' ) {
                // Image is already complete, fire the hollaback (fixes browser issues were cached
                // images isn't triggering the load event)
                if ( this.complete || this.readyState === 4 ) {

                // Check if data URI images is supported, fire 'error' event if not
                else if ( this.readyState === 'uninitialized' && this.src.indexOf('data:') === 0 ) {

                else {
                    $(this).bind('load', hollaback.handler);


So, if you're working on a large codebase that uses jQuery and you get overruns in the call stack when trying to load an image, this shim was probably added at some point.



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