Need to use the default Rally Kanban app to display the current iteration

I need to modify the default Rally Kanban app to only display the selected iteration. I added to the query iteration dropdown and then added: // Create a query based on the iteration. cardboardConfig.query = dropdownIteration.getQueryFromSelected (); after declaring the config object in the displayBoard () function. For some reason, it ignores the query string. I went to the debugger and it returns the correct value, but the board always displays all stories from all iterations. I even just tried to hard-code in the query config object: 'Iteration = "March 2012"' but that didn't affect what was displayed, it still displays all stories from all iterations. Any suggestions on howwhat else can you try or what else can override the query string? Thank you. Dax


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2 answers

I dug more, and if anyone else tries to do this, there is a line of code that overwrites the query in the config object to choose whether to show the last column. It completely overwrites any query parameter you specified earlier. Find a line like:
if (hideLastColumnIfReleased) {//cardboardConfig.query = new rally.sdk.util.Query ("Release = null"). or (kanbanField + "! =" + '"' + lastState + '"'); } If you comment this out, or just put your new query string together with this, everything works fine.



The rally.sdk.util.Query object is detailed here:

The request config property is also documented in the Card Board component docs:



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