How to generate Envers database schema with org.hibernate.tool.EnversSchemaGenerator?

I have updated Hibernate to 4.1.1.Final version. According to the documentation There are two ways to create a database schema:

  • Ant task org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask

  • Run org.hibernate.tool.EnversSchemaGenerator

    from Java.

Hibernate doesn't work with Hibernate-4.1.1.Final. It has a blocking error .

I only found the release notes and a test case , So how can I use org.hibernate.tool.EnversSchemaGenerator

with my persistence.xml and Maven?


Found it linked in the Hibernate forum . There seems to be no answer to my question yet.


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4 answers

Yuplo created a Maven plugin for Hibernate 4 . Plugin supports schema export including Envers. Below is a working example. Check the official plugin configuration documentation for an explanation of the options used.

The plugin generates a file schema.sql

in the Maven directory /target

for the target test

. Or you can manually run the target hibernate4:export

to update the file.





You don't need Ant or Hibernate tools. It is very easy to just use EnversSchemaGenerator like:

Configuration config = new Configuration();

//make sure you set the dialect correctly for your database (oracle for example below)

//add all of your entities

SchemaExport export = new EnversSchemaGeneHator(config).export();
export.execute(true, false, false, false);


You can also specify a filename to write, but the above code will print to syslog anyway.



The following worked for me:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Ejb3Configuration jpaConfiguration = new Ejb3Configuration().configure("persistenceUnit", null);
    Configuration hibernateConfiguration = jpaConfiguration.getHibernateConfiguration();
    EnversSchemaGenerator esg = new EnversSchemaGenerator(hibernateConfiguration);
    org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport se = esg.export();
    se.drop(true, false);
    se.create(true, false);




I have the same problem. There is now a version of Hibernate 4 Tools:



But this Ant snippet does not export audit tables, only the "main" tables:

<target name="schema-export">
    <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask" classpathref="classpath"/>
    <hibernatetool destdir="sql">
        <classpath refid="classpath"/>
        <jpaconfiguration persistenceunit="persistenceUnit"/>
        <hbm2ddl export="false" create="true" drop="true" format="true" outputfilename="schema.sql"/>


Same thing with this code: Only "base" tables, no "_aud" tables:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Ejb3Configuration jpaConfiguration = new Ejb3Configuration().configure("persistenceUnit", null);
    Configuration hibernateConfiguration = jpaConfiguration.getHibernateConfiguration();
    EnversSchemaGenerator esg = new EnversSchemaGenerator(hibernateConfiguration);
    org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport se = esg.export();
    se.drop(true, false);
    se.create(true, false);


Are you still curious? I'll let you know, find out how to fix the problem. Maybe someone has some advice for us?



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