Best way to create simple menu in rails app
I have a simple menu that looks like this:
<ul class="menu">
<li class="active"><a href="<%= root_path %>">Home</a></li>
<li class=""><%= link_to 'Feeds' , feeds_path %></li>
<li class=""><%= link_to 'Accounts' , accounts_path %></li>
The "active" class is a style to mark my current page.
I have two questions:
1. How can I tell "application" which page I am on and ask to "change" the class to active?
2. Is there a better way to create this menu (possibly controller driven or db table driven)?
I realize this is a newbie question, but I've been thinking about this for a few days, read a few tutorials, but none of them really clicked.
Thank you for your help.
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I am using a method current_page?
to set an active link. It takes a path as a parameter. I create a hash of the link and path texts and iterate over it by printing the links. So I only need to call current_page? once.
There are gems that can help you. Take a look at them:
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I did this recently in ApplicationHelper
def nav_links
items = [home_link, about_me_link, contact_link]
content_tag :ul, :class => "nav" do
items.collect { |item| concat item}
def home_link
nav_item_active_if(!@article || @article.type.nil?) do
link_to "Home", root_path
def about_me_link
nav_item_active_if(@article && @article.type == "About") do
link_to "About Me", article_path(About.first)
def contact_link
nav_item_active_if(@article && @article.type == "Contact") do
link_to "Contact", article_path(Contact.first)
def nav_item_active_if(condition, attributes = {}, &block)
if condition
attributes["class"] = "active"
content_tag(:li, attributes, &block)
In your view, you can simply call:
<%= nav_links %>
Perhaps you can use it as an example.
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Not a perfect solution, but you can do the following.
create 3 variables:
@homeActive = ""
@feedsActive = ""
@accountsActive = ""
In the code you provided, set a class for each variable that matches a name.
<li class=@homeActive><a href="<%= root_path %>">Home</a></li>
Now in your controller under the home method let's say set @homeActive = "active"
and the other two to "". Repeat this for other methods and it should work.
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I used a bunch of 'if and current_page? method. It's ugly, but it worked, if anyone has a better idea on how to do this, I'd love to know about it.
if current_page? (root_path)
content_tag(:li , link_to('Home' , root_path), :class => "active")
content_tag(:li , link_to('Home' , root_path))
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