Simple Object Oriented Programming Concepts

it may look like a bogus question to you, but I'm having difficulty with this:

We have abstract class Animal

u Cat

and u Dog

that extend it. In Animal

we have a method produceSound();

that is abstract. As you might guess, for Cat

he must return "Mao" and for Dog

"Bao" or something like that. This is fine, but now we have to write a method static

in Animal class

that returns objects Cat

or Dog

depending on their sound. For example: identifyAnimal("Mao")

should return Cat


Question : How to implement the method identifyAnimal(String sound)


Here are some simple examples of hierarchy:

Animal class

public abstract class Animal {

    protected abstract String produceSound();

    protected static void identifyAnimal(String animalSound) {
        // TODO 


Cat class

public class Cat extends Animal{

    protected String produceSound() {
        return "Mao";


Dog class

public class Dog extends Animal{

    protected String produceSound() {
        return "Bao";


Test class

public class AnimalTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


In the class, AnimalTest

when called, Animal.identifyAnimal("Bao");

we must get Dog



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6 answers

private static Class[] animalTypes = [Dog.class, Cat.class];

public static String identifyAnimal(String animalSound)
    for (int i = 0; i < animalTypes.length; i++) {
        Animal a = animalTypes[i].newInstance();
        String s = a.produceSound();

        if (animalSound.equals(s))
            return animalTypes[i].getName();

    return null;




So here's a (terrible) way to do it. I actually jerked a little. I don't know which language you are using, so I am going with C ++ (sorry current mode), although you can replace maps with dictionaries if we are in C #, no matter. This is a bad way of doing things, but should work (conceptually, anyway)

Again ... Terrible ...

public abstract class Animal {

    protected abstract String produceSound();

    protected static map<string, string> SoundList;
    protected static bool registerSound(string sound, string type)
          return (SoundList.insert( pair<string, string>(sound, type)))->second;//true if worked false if already there


    protected static string identifyAnimal(string animalSound) 
          map<string,string>::iterator result = SoundList.find(sound);
          if(result != SoundList.end())
               return result->second;
               return "What The Hell Is This!?";
Cat class

public class Cat extends Animal

    protected String produceSound() {
        return "Mao";




abstract class Animal { 
    static Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
    public Animal(String value) { map.put(produceSound(), value); }
    protected abstract String produceSound(); 
    protected static void identifyAnimal(String animalSound) {

class Cat extends Animal {
    protected String produceSound() { return "Mao"; } 
    Cat(){ super("CAT"); }

class Dog extends Animal { 
    protected String produceSound() { return "Bao"; } 
    Dog(){ super("DOG"); }

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Dog();        
        new Cat();




Make a switch with the predefined sounds you have and let each sound return a string with the animal's name. For example, "Mao" returns the string "Cat" and so on. One more thing: let ur identAnimal method return a string instead of void.



You can use reflection to get a list of all types that extend Animal, loop through them with an Activator to instantiate each type, doing workSound on each until you find a return value that matches animalSound, returning that instance. Slow but effective when you want your animal class not to know what is extending it.



What is the nature of the problem you are trying to solve? There is no "right" way that does not depend on the problem.

What is required for the consumer application out of class Animal

? What should your application do with the classes it consumes? Nothing can be accepted if these presumptions are not clear.



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