How do I convert "formatted double (String)" to double?

I have the following code:

 NumberFormat nf=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
    String  s=  nf.format(3456.32);
//   double d= Double.valueOf(s); error here


This code displays:

3 456,320


This is fine so far, but imagine, when I get the same format from JFormattedTextField, how can I convert "3 456 320" as a string to double (3456.32)?

I've already tried this:

String s="3 456,320";
double d= Double.valueOf(s);


but i get an error ...


after a few tests i found that the code is not that reliable, e.g .:

 //this works
 String s="3456,6567";

 NumberFormat nf1=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);

 double d = (double) nf1.parse(s);


but this one:

 String s="3456,0";

 NumberFormat nf1=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);

 double d = (double) nf1.parse(s);


I am getting this error:

Exception on thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Double

by cons I find this very reliable:

    double d = nf1.parse(s).doubleValue();


we have to test the software several times !!!


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2 answers

Try to use again NumberFormat


NumberFormat nf=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
String s = "3 456,320";
double d = nf.parse(s);




this might work:

Double d = Double.valueOf("3 456,320".replace(" ", "").replace(",", "."));


(I must admit, but dirty)



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