Print table javascript rendered as plain text

I am trying to print a table using javascript

the html table looks like this:

    <table id="rounded" runat=server  summary="2007 Major IT Companies' Profit" style="position:relative;left:-45px;"  >

            <th scope="col" class="rounded-company">header1</th>
        <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header2</th>

            <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header3</th>
             <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header4</th>
              <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header5</th>
               <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header6</th>
                <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header7</th>
                 <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header8</th>

                   <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header9</th>
                   <th scope="col" class="rounded-q4"> header10</th>




I am giving the data of the throw ajax table, so in the end the table looks like this:

<table id="rounded" runat=server  summary="2007 Major IT Companies' Profit" style="position:relative;left:-45px;"  >

                <th scope="col" class="rounded-company">header1</th>
            <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header2</th>

                <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header3</th>
                 <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header4</th>
                  <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header5</th>
                   <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header6</th>
                    <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header7</th>
                     <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header8</th>

                       <th scope="col" class="rounded-q1">header9</th>
                       <th scope="col" class="rounded-q4"> header10</th>








I am using javascript to print a table like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function printTable()


    var disp_setting = "toolbar=yes,location=no,directories=yes,menubar=yes,";
    disp_setting += "scrollbars=yes,width=1350, height=800";
    var content_vlue = $("#rounded").html();

    var docprint ="", "", disp_setting);;
    docprint.document.write('<link href="css/table2.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />');  
    docprint.document.write('<html><head><title>Inel Power System</title>');
    docprint.document.write('</head><body onLoad="self.print()"><center>');



the problem is the table is printed as inner text instead of innerhtml (no rows without columns without header)

If I take this table (from page source) and try to print it (no ajax) it works fine.

What could be the problem?

Thank you for any help


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1 answer

You need to add a tag <table>

to the HTML that you write to the print document. The call .html()

just gives you what's inside the table tags.

Alternatively, you can wrap the table in another element (a <div>

or whatever) and then:

var content_vlue = $('#rounded').parent().html();




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