Symfony DIC and parent services not working

I am integrating Symfony DIC into zend platform app which works great except for parent services.

In my DIC config, I have a parent service PC_Service that will be extended by all my services. The problem is that the entity manager is not available (NULL) in services that extend PC_Service. When I inject the entitymanager via service.stats the entitymanger is installed correctly.

<service id="pc.service" class="PC_Service" abstract="true">
    <call method="setEntityManager">
        <argument type="service" id="doctrine.entitymanager" />
<service id="service.stats" class="Application_Service_Stats" parent="pc.service" />



abstract class PC_Service
    protected $_em;

    public function setEntityManager($entityManager)
        $this->_em = $entityManager;



class Application_Service_Stats extends PC_Service
    ... $this->_em should be set here.


I hope someone tells me what I am doing wrong.


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2 answers

The solution is to compile the service container towards the end of the ZF boot buffer. This process has a step called ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass

that fixes calls from parent services.

This is usually done with the Symfony Kernel , but of course it is missing from the ZF integration.

protected function _initServiceContainerCompilation()
    // Wait for the SC to get built

    // Doctrine modifies the SC, so we need to wait for it also

    // Compiling the SC allows "ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass" to run,
    // allowing services to inherit method calls from parents
    $sc = $this->getResource('Services');




Don't know if this is a typo, but it should be doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

or doctrine.orm.entity_manager

(previuos alias):

<service id="pc.service" class="PC_Service" abstract="true">
    <call method="setEntityManager">
        <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" />




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