How do I check if the Python Tools debugger for Visual Studio is bound to the current process?

How can I check if the Python Tools debugger for Visual Studio 2010 is connected to the current process?


and the CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

functions don't work, but Visual Studio 2008 can tell that it is already being debugged. Does VS2008 use some DTE techniques to achieve this (list running VS versions, old and future (???) versions included and check if debugged already ...?), Or does it use some other way I can use my application inside?

Note. As it turns out, WinDbg allows binding to this process, so if you need to debug C ++ and Python at the same time, you can try it as long as this issue is resolved.


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1 answer

Didn't you ask the same question as here: How to check if the python debug option is set from within a script ? The sys.flags.debug

proposed one offered me a job. Unfortunately, I don't know much more about the internals of the Cpython interpreter debugging. And I am just guessing that you have used this one with ctypes

, perhaps.



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