How do I perform re-regression in Matlab?

I have an excel file that contains 5 columns and 48 rows (data on water consumption, population and rainfall for four years (1997-2000) of each month)

Year  Month  Water_Demand Population Rainfall  
1997   1        355        4500        25  
1997   2        375        5000        20  
1997   3        320        5200        21  
.............% rest of the month data of year 1997.  
1997  12        380        6000        24  
1998   1        390        6500        23  
1998   2        370        6700        20  
............. % rest of the month data of year 1998  
1998  12        400        6900        19  
1999   1  
1999   2  
.............% rest of the month data of year 1997 and 2000  
2000   12       390        7000        20


I want to do multiple linear regression in MATLAB. Here the dependent variable is water demand and the independent variable is population and rainfall. I wrote the code for this for all 48 lines



Now I want to do a repetition. First, I want to exclude row number 1 (i.e. exclude data for 1997, month 1) and perform regression on the rest of the 47 rows. Then I want to exclude row number 2 and do a regression with the data of row number 1 and row 3-48. Then I want to exclude row number 3 and do a regression with the data of row number 1-2 and row 4-48. There are always 47 rows of data as I exclude one row in each run. Finally, I want to get a table of the regression coefficient and yfit of each run.


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1 answer

The simplest way I can think of is to create a for loop and a temporary "under test" matrix which is exactly the one you have, without the row you want to exclude, like

C = zeros(3,number_of_lines);
for n = 1:number_of_lines
  under_test = data;
  % this excludes the nth line of the matrix
  under_test(n,:) = [];


I'm sure you can optimize this using some of the matlab functions that work with vectors, without using a for loop. But I think in just 48 lines it should be fast enough.



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