Cumsum only within groups?

Suppose I have 2 vectors:

a=[0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1];
b=[1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3];


For each group of numbers in b, I want a cumsum so that the result looks like this:

c=[1 3;2 1;3 3]


This means I have the ones b 3 in a, for group two in b. I only have one in, etc.


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3 answers

If you are looking for a solution, which b

can be anything, then the combination hist

and unique

helps you:

num = unique(b(logical(a))); %# identify the numbers in b with non-zero counts
cts = hist(b(logical(a)),num); %# count
c = [num(:),cts(:)]; %# combine. 


If you want the first column to c

go from 1 to the maximum b

, you can rewrite the first row as num=1:max(b)

and you will also get rows in c

where counts are zero.



There have been some tricky answers so far. Try it accumarray(b',a')




Assuming b

monotonically increasing by 1:

c = cell2mat(transpose(arrayfun( @(x) [ x sum(a(find( b == x ))) ], min(b):max(b), 'UniformOutput',false)))


should give the correct answer in a single liner format, or:

for ii=min(b):max(b)
  II = find( b == ii );
  v = sum(a(II));
  c(ii,:) = [ii v];


which is a little easier to read. Hope this helps.



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