Sencha Touch 2.0 xtype not working

Trying to follow along with the video here!/guide/getting_started but once it gets to the xtypes add part to get it all together in about 3 minutes. I cannot get xtype to work correctly, here is what I have for my Main.js

Ext.define("GS.view.Main", {
    extend: '',
    requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],

    config: {
            tabBarPosition: 'bottom',

                    xtype: 'homepanel',


This is what I have in my Home.js file

Ext.define("GS.view.Home", {
    extend: '',
    requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],
    xtype: 'homepanel',

    config: {
    tabBarPosition: 'bottom',

    items: [
            title: 'Welcome',
            iconCls: 'home',
            styleHtmlContent: true,
            scrollable: true,

            html: [
                '<img src="" />',
                '<h1>Welcome to Sencha Touch</h1>',
                "<p>You'rebbb creating the Getting Started app. This demonstrates how ",
                "to use tabs, lists and forms to create a simple app</p>",
                '<h2>Sencha Touch (2.0.0)</h2>'


and in app.js i have this

views: [ 'Main', 'Home', 'Contact' ],


I did exactly what the video does, maybe I am missing something? Thanks in advance for your help.


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2 answers

You need to use the alias property in your class definition.

Ext.define("GS.view.Home", {
    extend: '',
    requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],
    alias: 'widget.homepanel',

    config: {
        tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
        items: [{
             title: 'Welcome',
             iconCls: 'home',
             styleHtmlContent: true,
             scrollable: true,
             html: [
                '<img src="" />',
                '<h1>Welcome to Sencha Touch</h1>',
                "<p>You'rebbb creating the Getting Started app. This demonstrates how ",
                    "to use tabs, lists and forms to create a simple app</p>",
                    '<h2>Sencha Touch (2.0.0)</h2>'




It might have something to do with what you are trying to extend: in your Home.js.

This makes it look like adding a tab bar inside a tab bar.

try extending: "Ext.Panel", in your Home.js, which should do, or you can also use

expand: 'Ext.Container',



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