Mysql queries two tables, retrieves messages for each conversation
I have two tables.
One of them, called "conversations", has the following data.
ConversationID Sender Reciever
1 bla1 bla2
2 bla1 bla3
3 bla1 bla4
Another called "Messages" has the following data.
MessageID MessageText TimeAddedMessage ConversationID
1 helo 2012-03-12 13:00:00 2
2 helo 2012-03-12 13:01:00 1
3 helo 2012-03-12 13:02:00 3
4 helo 2012-03-12 13:03:00 3
5 helo 2012-03-12 13:04:00 2
The result I want to get from the request is the following:
5 helo 2012-03-12 13:04:00 2
4 helo 2012-03-12 13:03:00 3
2 helo 2012-03-12 13:01:00 1
This means that we need the most recent comment for each conversation (DESC sorted by time).
Any help was appreciated.
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Try -
SELECT m2.*, c.Sender
SELECT m1.ConversationID, MAX(m1.MessageID) AS MessageID
FROM Messages m1
GROUP BY m1.ConversationID
) latest_msg
INNER JOIN Messages m2
ON latest_msg.MessageID = m2.MessageID
AND latest_msg.ConversationID = m2.ConversationID
INNER JOIN Conversations c
ON m2.ConversationID = c.ConversationID
EDIT . I modified the above query to include the Sender value from the Conversations table. I noticed that your structure for speaking is a bit weird. The conversation goes from one user to another user, but there is no way to determine which user wrote each message. Is this intentional?
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You can do this by creating a view with a dialog interface and max TimeAddedMessage and attaching it to messages:
select Messages.MessageID, Messages.MessageText,
Messages.TimeAddedMessage, Messages.ConversationID
from Messages inner join
select ConversationID, max (TimeAddedMessage) TimeAddedMessage
from Messages
group by ConversationID
) LastMessages
on Messages.ConversationID = LastMessages.ConversationID
and Messages.TimeAddedMessage = LastMessages.TimeAddedMessage
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Simple query with good performance for relatively small datasets.
FROM Messages m1 LEFT JOIN Messages m2
ON (m1.ConversationId = m2.ConversationId AND m1.TimeAddedMessage < m2.TimeAddedMessage)
Modified from this post .
This kind of counter is intuitive, but has become part of an overused cookbook recipe.
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