
How to remove div if graph is larger than x with jquery?

I have this html:

<div class="test">
   <div class="itsme">1</div>
   <div class="itsme">2</div>
   <div class="itsme">3</div>
   <div class="itsme">4</div>


and i am adding a new div dynamically with ajax call at the top of div1.

var count = jQuery('div.itsme').size();
if(count > 3){


it works so that if I add one div the last one is removed, but it doesn't actually keep track of how many divs.

Even if there are 10 divs at the beginning, as soon as I add another, the last one is removed.

Why I am looking, it should always be, in this case 3 divs are displayed. If I add another div, the last one is removed, if I add 2 divs, then the last 2 are removed

I hope I'm clear enough.


ps I'm using size()

because it lenght()

doesn't seem to work, chrome sees it as an undefined function and I checked, I have jquery 1.7 ..


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5 answers

if($('.itsme').length > 3){





You can use a selector :gt

to filter items above a certain index and remove them. This will only contain the first three elements:

$('.test .itsme:gt(2)').remove();




You can just repeat like this:

var count = jQuery('div.itsme').size();
if (count > 3) {
  var numTimes = count - 3;
  for (var i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {




You can select the last div with this selector


$('.itsme') // select all the class

eq(-1) // select one element from the array of class begin for the end.



If you want to remove all div minus the first three classes, use this:

for( var i=0; i< $('.itsme').length - 3; i++){




because you only delete the last

try this:

jQuery('div.itsme:gt(2)').remove() // it starts at index 0




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