Classroom session

I have a class object where I store a list of questions. I want to keep this object in the session. I can do it:

JobApplication _application;
_application = new JobApplication(1);

Session["Application"] = _application;


I can also get the session like this:

JobApplication obj = (JobApplication)Session["Application"];


So I want to pass a class object (JobApplication _application;) to the class and establish a session in the class and return the session. Can I install and get how I do?

but I would rather pass the object to my session class and set it and get it from there. I'm not sure how to use sessions in get and set. I am new to C #


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2 answers

public class JobApplicantSession
    public JobApplication Application 
            return (JobApplication)HttpContext.Current.Session["Application"];
            HttpContext.Current.Session["Application"] = value;




Please do please below

 public class JobApplicantSession
       public JobApplicantSession(JobApplication  _application )
         Session["Application"] = _application;

        public JobApplication  GetApplication()
         JobApplication _application = Session["Application"];
         return _application ;



Also make sure the class JobApplication

has the attribute[Serializable]



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