How to make JS and CSS compatible with IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

Our company develops ERP and CRM, and our products still support IE and Firefox. We now want to support Chrome, Safari and even Opera. Is there any overarching material out there that makes JS and CSS browsers compatible? Thks!


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3 answers

Are there any comprehensive stuff that introduces the browser? JS and CSS compatibility? )

"Comprehensive" can change overnight, but a lot of information is available.

If your products work for the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera will work without major flaws in most cases . If your markup is not valid, you are using many vendor-specific extensions, or using advanced features, this may not be the case.



theres a dev-center mozilla with great CSS and JavaScript links. Each entry contains information about browser compatibility.

For a quick overview, you can also take a look at ( CSS and JavaScript ), which provides simple tabular lists for various functions.



I've been coding an interface for over ten and a half years now, and things get better over time in terms of cross-browser compatibility. I found that if I write and test my code with Firefox, most of them will work flawlessly in Chrome, Opera, Safari, and the only thing you have to debug is MSIE. 10 years ago I would tell you to compile and test with MSIE and debug your code at the end with Netscape.

But yes, if you follow this, it will be easier for you to make all your scripts and markup fully cross-browser compatible without any errors. Enter IE9, of course, another monster.



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