Free Shipping & Discount Magento Coupon
I have a free shipping rule configured like this:
- All customer groups
- No coupon
- for each client: 0
- Conditions: Total cost> = 100, Country of delivery == NL or BE or DE
- Free shipping: for shipment with related items.
When I enter a coupon with a fixed amount of discounts, the free shipping disappears.
Both price rules have the "Stop further processing of rules" command equal to NO
This behavior of Magento drives me crazy
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Apparently Magento doesn't care about other shopping cart rules if there is a valid coupon code in the frontend.
Correct this issue in the comments at the following website:
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As suggested in one of the comments, it is best to try and convert the current rule to a " Shopping Cart Price Rule ".
In the Price Shopping Cart rule, you can also set conditions that depend on the subtotal of the cart, delivery region, delivery country, ...
On the action tab, you can easily Free Shipping "To send with matching items"
This should solve it;)
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If we are talking about Magento CE 1.9 and higher, the code is fixed as long as the database is affected, but you may face the same problem! If so, then there is another reason.
One of the common mistakes is * the user is unable to update the cart count * or users who cannot log in. It has to do with formKey and the answer that was given here .
Apparently the same solution fixes the issue of the disappeared shipping or payment method after applying the coupon we are discussing here.
Hope this helps users of newer versions ...
it will be - manemoi
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