Problems compiling python3 and pyqt4 with cx_freeze

I am trying to compile a simple script I wrote using Python3 and PyQt4 using cx_Freeze, but I have three problems that I just cannot figure out.

  • I cannot get badges. I am using a compiled resource file for it, i.e. importing a .py containing resources, and I tried to follow the guidelines here by copying the imageformats folder to my project folder, but nothing works.

  • I am not using severl python modules including tcl and ttk, so I added them to the parameter excludes

    . However, they still seem to have been added.

  • When I try to compile with base='Win32GUI'

    running the generated exe, an exception is thrown:'NoneType' has no attribute 'encoding'

I'm pretty sure there is something wrong in my setup script because the cx_Freeze documentation isn't very verbose, so hopefully someone can point out the problem. Here is the setup script. I am not going to post the script, I am compiling because it is quite long, but if necessary, I will try to create a short version for testing.

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

exe = Executable(

options = dict(
    excludes=['curses', 'email', 'tcl', 'ttk']

    name="Coord Convertor",
    description="A Coordinate converter from DMS to DD",
    requires=['pyqt4 (>=4.8)', 'dtlibs (>=0.4.1)'],
    options={'build-exe': options}



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2 answers

(Note that around 1.)

2: In options = {'build-exe' ..., I think it should be build_exe (underscore instead of dash).

3: Are you trying to access something like sys.stdout.encoding

anywhere? sys.stdout

will be absent when using the Win32GUI base. Even a challenge print()

can cause this.



solvable. In addition to Thomas' pointers, I need "images" to be in "include files" in parameters, not "data_files". My final script looks like this:

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

exe = Executable(

options = dict(
    excludes=['curses', 'email', 'tcl', 'ttk', 'tkinter'],

    name="Coord Convertor",
    description="A Coordinate converter from DMS to DD",
    requires=['pyqt4 (>=4.8)', 'dtlibs (>=0.4.1)'],
    options={'build_exe': options}




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